Thursday, May 16, 2024

How to post a stock transfer for Consignment Material

1) Transferring Consignment Material within a plant from one storage location to another.

Example: Same plant – different storage locations

We should use movement type '311 K' in MIGO transactions. 

2) Transferring Consignment Material within a plant from one stock type to another

Example: Same plant --from blocked stock to quality inspection stock

We should use movement type '349 K' in MIGO transactions.

3) Transferring Consignment Material Into Own Stock 

Example: Same plant --from consignment tock in unrestricted-use to own stock in unrestricted-use

We should use movement type '411 K' in MB1B or MIGO transactions.


If the material was entered in the blocked stock:

Ø  We should first transfer the material to the unrestricted-use stock K (MIGO transaction - movement type 343 K).

Ø  Once the material is in the unrestricted-use stock K, we can post the transfer to own with the movement 411 K.

Ø  The same process applies to transfer the Sales Order Stock (411 E) or the Project Stock (411 Q).

It is not possible to make the transfer directly from the blocked stock.

4) Is it possible to transfer consignment material from one plant to another (plan-to-plant scenario)?

Please see the attached note 13006.                                            
As indicated in the note, it is not possible to transfer vendor consignment stock from one plant to another. This functionality is not supported in any version of SAP R/3/ECC.             
The workaround outlined in the note is as follows:                             
 "We can post the stock transfer in two steps:                                
 1.  Post the stock issue in the issuing plant using movement type 562 in combination with the special stock indicator 'K', for example.        
 2.  Post the stock receipt in the receiving plant using movement type 561 in combination with the special stock indicator 'K', for example."                                                                
A stock transfer by means of a delivery is also not supported (movement types 641, 643, 647). This process is only supported when Retail is active.                               
Please see the IMG documentation for movement type '641', as follows:          

"641 Goods issue for a stock transport order (Shipping)                      
The quantity is transferred using a delivery in Shipping from unrestricted-use stock of the issuing plant to stock in transit of the receiving plant . 

The goods receipt for the stock transport order takes place using movement type 101 and can, if required, refer to the purchase order or to the delivery. If a purchase order item is flagged as a returns item in the stock transport order, you can post the goods receipt of the returns in the issuing plant with movement type 671. 

Possible special stock indicators:                                            
E, Q, K (Retail)                                                             
For the special stock indicators E, K, and Q, and for purchase orders with account assignment, we must ensure that the quantity is not posted to the stock in transit of the receiving plant.

We can use the special stock indicator K only if you have activated the business function Retail (EA-RET)." 

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